Monday, November 30, 2009

Sorry I've been gone awhile!

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting a lot...I went to Missouri to visit my Friend M over Thanksgiving.It was delightful! I now LOVELOVELOVE stuffing and pie. I haven't ever tasted pie before last've been missing so much from my life! I had Chocolate Mousse and apple. It was quite delicious.

I am sitting here in study hall in the C's room. Ugh, I hate this room. Full of stupid math things that no one cares about. N is sitting in front of me and I always creep her out. Respectively, she does not always get the full CREEP of the day, but this morning I did successfully creep her. Here's how it went down:

[Copying WW from N's book]

Me: Hey thanks for letting me copy your answers N!

N: Yep! anytime! [While saying this, playing with an empty baggie...quite suspiscious]

I am quietly copying answers from out of the corner of my eye I see N trying to pop it.

Me: N you are never going to do that....

N: Oh geez! That sounded purely creepifying!

Me: I am glad.

'Twas a magical experience for both of us, yet I still have many months to prove myself worthy of the Creeptastic Award (Award that I came up with that does not really exist)

There are around 5ish more minutes of the school day. I haven't eaten anything today.

BEFORE you say "OMG shes so anorexic!" I am definitely NOT. I just haven't had time to eat, I had a chiropractor appointment early in the morn today and had no time to pack my lunch. Unfortunate, wouldn't you say? I would.

Tomorrow I have an orthodontist appointment early in the morn, we'll see if I have time to spare to make a grand PB &J...we will never know...until then.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wake Trilogy by Lisa McMann

Hey guys. This past year I have gotten back into the habit of reading, which was a very smart choice. See, I take British Literature in school right now and hard as it choice of reading more has expanded my vocabulary.

This past year my favorite book BY FAR has been Wake (and then Fade) by Lisa McMann. It is about a girl Janie who cans see people's dreams. More like getting sucked into them. By the first two minutes I was reading Wake, it caught my attention by the different way it was written. It appealed to me and over the year I've gotten almost my whole grade hooked onto the Trilogy. Gone, the third installment, arrives here February 9, 2010. I, personally cannot wait for it. But Fade I can read over and over again and not get tired of it. In it Janie and Cabel, aka Cabe fall even more in love. Not considering themselves narcs for their high school, but working under cover for the police makes Janie go through some pretty serious times. While reading it, you never know whether you know or not know the future of the book because the ending is very surprising, but in a good way.

It makes you almost pull your hair out because you want to know the end of the story...only 2 more months people. We can do it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sorry I didn't clue y'all in yesterday!

Sorry guys, I was really tired yesterday so I didn't have time to put together a post. But I am in Digital Photography (which is a class where we do nothing) so I can do one now.

Basically yesterday was a normal day...I got up, went to school, and went to my classes. Then I went home, ate dinner, and went to riding. Where I rode my horse CP Merritt+//. Who is in the picture above.

Riston has his ultrasound of his leg tomorrow, but he is going over to the vet clinic tonight because his thing takes place quite early in the morning. I hope it all goes well little buddy! You will do great!

I'll do another post later tonight on what I did for the rest of the day...BYE!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Didn't do things I wanted to.

Ever hear the song "All I Ever Wanted" by Basshunter? If not, you should listen because it describes not just love, but the base message is that you should go for your dreams, whatever they may be.

I did not do something this morning that I wanted to, this Mass/Brunch in fact. I indeed slept in until noon. Then crawled out of bed and watched some TV, but nothing of interest was on at that moment.

So I went to
1. Kohl's
2. JC Penney's

..on the hunt of a shower curtain. I must go now to do homework, finish the health powerpoint E and I are doing on club drugs.

Au revoir. Talk to you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why? kind of sucked. Well, the last half at least.

So, my Mom invited me to go to a movie, Zombieland to be precise. SO I'm like okay cool, I've wanted to see that for awhile now. SO I go along with it. Then, she's like can I have a check from Grandma for money? Gma said sure. 2 hours later when we were supposed to leave for the movie I go over to her house. When I get there everything seems alright. I wait for her to be ready when she sees that I have the cash.

She gets mad at me because apparently she asked for it via check. Which she did not tell me, unless it was very very very small.

SO she says that I don't give a crap and gives me the money back. I put it down on the table and start to walk away.

She says something about she doesn't want charity money.

I ignore her. I open the front door.
She runs up to me and shoves it in my back pocket of my jeans. I then take it out and I stop her before anything and then I throw it somewhere...I don't know where. While she is trying to pick it up she says something about ripping it up, I say that it's not MY money, it's Grandma's so I don't really care what she did with it.

I walk out of the house, close the door behind me. She yells something, don't know what. I keep walking, starting to cry my eyes out. Embarrassed because of the mailmen across the street staring at me. I walk back to Grandma's. Crying the whole time.

After I unlock the door I run to the bathroom, get the tissue box, then run to my room.
I flop onto my bed, then lying there for awhile crying for at least twenty minutes crying my eyes out wondering aloud..."Why me? Why do I have to be the teenager to deal with this type of things?"

After awhile, I settle on going on Facebook and seeing if anyone who cared about me was online.

C2 was. I told her the story, and she CARED. I'm glad because she's probably my best friend. She sent me a video. "Llamas With Hats" to be specific. I am glad she did. Because it made my night a little bit better.

Thanks C2, (:

It is indeed a Saturday

Earlier I was going car shopping. We weren't planning on buying a car, per say...but I definitely have an idea of which ones I want, and which ones I don't. The one that really impressed me was the Chevrolet Equinox. Twas a great car!!

Today it was really cold here in the city, around 46 degrees. I do not enjoy winter time. The only things I enjoy are:
1. My Birthday
2. Christmas

Yep, the ONLY things. Haha, which are alone, 2 but they mean much to me. I am.....

I am...
1. daughter
2. friend
3. student
4. horse rider
5. follower
6. leader
7. lover
8. hater
9. reader
10. watcher

There are many doubles in that list. Yet it makes sense. To me it does, at least.

Do you need advice?
Send me an e-mail!

I will answer your questions.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome friends.

I am a Sophomore, and it is pretty much hard. At my school it is asked of us to try are hardest, as any school asks of their students. Right now I have A’s, B’s, and C’s. Which is reasonable, but not my idea of good grades. Right now, I am sitting in the hideout, which is the Sophomore hangout. I’m sitting here with my friends: C, M, A, and K. They are my best friends, but my bestest friend is in surgery right now. The other C is getting her gums lazered. The C1 just ave me her goldfish to eat, but I rejected them. I had five donut holes this morning, which is well out of my eating range for the day. C1’s sister, J, just came awhile ago to inform us she has chior practice a little bit after school. Which is nice, but I won’t have time to walk my dog, or maybe eat? I don’t know, maybe I will eat, but maybe I shant. We’ll have to see. A just sat up suddenly because of M’s obnoxious behavior. Other girls in our grade are being even more stupid and obnoxious, which is annoying. We are in lunch period right now, A, K, and I have Church History next, which is a good class, yet hard. We have a project coming up soon, which is difficult. Well, the bell just rang, I must go. I will arrive in Church History in a few moments, au revoir.I am sitting here in Church History. Zee professor is going to the Freshmen Retreat, which we do not go to, because we, are indeed, SOPHOMO12ES. It’s K’s turn to do prayer, it is Friday the 13th, so this shall be interesting. She did not have a song, yet a quote that was very grand!“Do not look at people through a mirror, but through a glass window.” This is a very inspiring quote, for me at least. We are working on denominations of Christianity projects. I am doing Unitarians. Which are a non-denomination of Christianity, but has Christian roots. It is cool indeed. mmmm yes. Good bye for today, I might see you later, but I might not. (:XOXO